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Maplin Electronics is one of the UK's leading Electronics retailers, offering the most competitive choice of mainly branded, quality products at consistently the lowest prices in the local market. The core range of Maplin products include TV, video, audio, Cooking, MDA, Small domestic appliances, Communications, Multimedia, Electronics and New technology accessories. Maplin Stores are unrelated to the Dixons Stores Group — which includes Dixons, Currys, PC World and The Link.Buying direct from Maplin saves you money. Maplin cuts amazing deals with manufacturers with the Maplin bulk-buying power and passes on big, big savings to their customers. Maplin customers know they won't find such good deals on Electronics products or such good service at such low prices anywhere else!Maplin UK Electronics Store: Shop At Maplin UK Electronics Store For Discount UK Electronics
Maplin UK is the UK's largest electrical retailer, providing an extensive range of TVs, hi-fi's, cookers, fridges, washing machines, televisions, microwaves and vacuum cleaners. Maplin also sell a wide selection of PCs and communications products. Maplin Electronics superstores showcase the latest products to meet every household electrical need, the online store offers a comprehensive range with digital TV, VCR, DVD, camera and camcorder areas.
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