Besides great service and excellent prices, offers approximately 3-4 times as many health, beauty, and wellness products that are stocked in brick and mortar stores, stocking both the most popular and hard-to-find, unique product lines. And, best of all, you can order everything from the comfort of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
The editorial features, including shopping guides, product comparisons, related articles and additional product content, are integrated into the site architecture. This content provides customers with the information they need to make the right purchase decisions more quickly and more efficiently. Try today, and see the difference., inc., opened in 1999 with a clear mission: to serve the health, beauty, and wellness consumer with selection, convenience, information, personal service, and a trustworthy and reliable pharmacy. Consistent focus on these objectives has allowed to outpace competitors in every key measure.
At the website you'll discover much more than just another online drugstore; you'll find one of the biggest selections of health products, excellent prices, a wealth of health information and a very enjoyable shopping experience. Not all online drugstores are the same ~ try and see the difference.
Besides the huge range of health and wellness products you'll find at, you'll also find the Pharmacy. The Pharmacy is fully licensed in all 50 U.S. states and certified by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy's Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS) program. The Pharmacy offers the option to arrange for pick up at any one of 3,600 Rite-Aid stores nationwide. customers pay almost 20 percent less on average for prescription drugs compared to brick-and-mortar pharmacy prices for top-quality generic and brand-name drugs.
When you shop online at
Drugstore you're shopping with one of the most respected names on the Web, and one of the longest established such sites on the Internet. Whatever you purchase from Drugstore, you can be sure that your transaction is completely secure, and your shopping satisfaction is guaranteed.